Hervé Renard has accepted very significant financial sacrifices to become the new coach of the French women’s team.

It’s the big day for Hervé Renard. This Monday marks the start of his new adventure with Les Bleues. The tricolor technician became, on Thursday, the new tricolor coach of the French women’s team and four days later, the successor of Corinne Deacon is expected in Clairefontaine for the first gathering of the Bleues, the last before the kick-off of preparation for the World Cup scheduled for this summer.

Hervé Renard did not think long before accepting the offer of the French Football Federation. And this despite financial conditions that have nothing to do with those he enjoyed in Saudi Arabia, where his contract would run until 2027. This time, the Savoyard only signed up until 2024 and his salary would be ten times lower than that which he perceived in the Gulf, according to Le Figaro.

The former Lille resident must indeed receive some 400,000 euros per year, more or less the same salary as Corinne Deacon, against more than 4 million euros in Saudi Arabia. Asked by AFP, Philippe Diallo, acting president of the FFF, also welcomed the efforts of Hervé Renard. “His remuneration is also completely similar to that of Corinne Deacon. When you know his emoluments in Saudi Arabia, this choice is something exceptional in the world of football “he confided.

Source: DayFR Euro

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