Footballers who are the sons of former players are often compared to their fathers. A situation that some of them find hard to bear. Such is the case with Noah Fadiga, son of former Senegal international Khalilou. The Brest defender opened up about the situation, which he is already beginning to come to terms with.

“It can still annoy me when people talk about my father, but it was worse before. When I was 16 or 17, I even had a lot of trouble. People would even ask me how my father was before asking me. It made me feel like I didn’t have the right to really exist, as if everything I did didn’t count. It’s harder to break into football when you’re the son of a footballer yourself, as if the obligation to be good was even stronger,” 

The Senegalese international told Le Télégram.

“I’m very proud of what my father has done and I have a lot of respect for his career. And although at a certain age, I started to dislike being systematically referred to by questions and comparisons, things are better now because I play in Ligue 1, I’m a professional player and I’m close to the national team (Senegal): things have changed, and are going in the direction I want them to go.”

He added.

« Fils de… » : peu importe le milieu, l’étiquette peut être lourde à porter. Comme pour le Brestois Noah Fadiga, fils de l’ancien international sénégalais Khalilou, qui confie ne pas avoir toujours bien vécu la chose.

Source: SNA

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