It’s a sad end for Naby Keita at Liverpool. The Guinean international still injured during the March break with his selection, could now begin to pack his bags to leave the Merseyside.

Joining Liverpool in the 2018-2019 season, Naby Keïta was therefore expected to bring his tone. His vertical play but also his impact in the midfield of the Reds. Except that the captain of Guinea has never managed to keep up with the infernal pace of the Premier League. From injury to injury, Naby Keita has not yet reached the mark of 150 matches in all competitions with Liverpool in five seasons. For the moment, he has stopped at 129 games. Too little in the eyes of the Liverpool managers. They are thinking of getting rid of a player who has cotton legs and is more in the infirmary than on the green English lawns.

Still injured with Guinea during the March break, Naby Keita has already missed the game against Manchester City (4-1 defeat) last weekend. And he could also miss the one against Chelsea. An injury too much that has finished to annoy his leaders.

“This latest setback could be the last straw for the cub”
Already announced on the departure this coming summer, his employers are now convinced after this umpteenth relapse, according to Liverpool Echo.

“Keita was injured during Guinea’s CAN 2023 qualifying match against Ethiopia. He left replaced at halftime and has not resumed training with the first team of Liverpool since,”

“This is another blow for the player who has already had a difficult time at Liverpool caused by injuries. He (Keita) has struggled to stay fit for long periods,”

“This latest setback could be the last straw for the club. And it is likely that the player has already played his last game for Liverpool. Liverpool needs players who can stay fit and contribute regularly to the team. It’s unfortunate that Keita’s time at Liverpool did not go as planned. The club must move forward,” 

Naby Keïta, who is in the last year of his contract, will therefore leave the club as a free agent next June.

Source: Sports News Africa Mag

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